Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Craft Fair Update

We went to the craft fair last week and we did okay. We sold some of our hand-made items and some of our cards... I think we might have some people who are interested in coming to our classes which is great too. All in all I think it was a successful day and who knows who might call us later after picking up our cards!

Hopefully someone will be inspired and want to come out and learn more and join us for fun with stamping and crafting and letting our creative juices flow. That is what it is all about and when we have the most fun... We love meeting new people and having them join us.


kelly said...

how fun! if i wasn't seriously paper challenged, and live so far away, i'd totally be interested.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment. That is exciting you are adopting. I remember not too long ago feeling like it was never going to happen. It will for you guys, as hard as it can be sometimes it is all worth it. Good luck!!
ps your cards and other crafts are darling you have talent for sure!