Our next downline meeting is Thursday, October 15. Please mark your calendars and RSVP so we have a count.
We are going to bring in pizza for the evening meal so we will be collecting $3.00 per person to cover the cost for pizza, salad and soda/water for those in attendance.
Our swap theme will be Christmas. Please bring as many as you have time to make so that we have LOTS to put into the Troops box. I mailed a box with about 100 Thanksgiving cards as well as a few all occasion last week and will be mailing the Christmas Box on October 19. Martie needs to have the cards in her hands so that she can get them back into the mail on October 31. I will have extra cards cut for us to work on during our time together as well as having them out for the next two Fridays as well. Last Friday Chris and I put together about 60 cards so with this head start, my goal is to have a box of over 300 ready to go on the 19th. Please help in whatever way you can.
If you have any special questions or concerns, please bring them with you to the meeting or let me know ahead so that I can be sure to have the answer and be able to address it during the meeting for everyone to benefit from the answer.